Monday, September 24, 2007

Hey Taxi

"I love everything about New York. You have to really love it here to want to live here, especially after you realise what’s under all the glitter and frenzy. Growing up here, I never had a reason to learn to drive. I’ve only known one person here who had their own car and I don’t envy their insurance rates, the hour-long search for a parking space, or the tres chic “No Radio” sign on the dashboard.
I spent so much time in the back of cabs, that it all kind of wore off on me. When I was 28, I took the driver’s test, without any formal instruction -- just what I picked up from countless drivers, and I passed! I’m one hell of a defensive driver on the rare times I actually am behind the wheel of a rented car -- and of course, I yell a bit."

Paper: Lauren Grier's Julieolioli (very cool papers to have on hand)
Ribbon: Lauren Bavin's Welcome
Screws: Trish Jones
Alpha: Dawn Stocstill's Cardstock
Brush: Fee Jardine's Paintbox

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